Week 5 Tim

Meatless Monday Week 5

           This Monday was our final week of Meatless Mondays; I can't believe how fast it went!  I wanted to make sure that I got this week right and was totally prepared and planned ahead.  However, I had already gone to the store to shop last week so Sunday when I had a ton of homework and things to get done I did not feel like going to the supermarket.  Luckily, I only had two classes in the morning so I planned on going to the store after.  Before my classes, I had my usual fruit smoothie and a bowl of Special K cereal.    
            After returning from class I checked my email and saw Sowmya's recipes.  When I saw the Eggless Egg Salad it looked great and sounded like a perfect lunch.  I went to Wegmans right away and bought the ingredients except for the scallions because I don't really like them.  The meal was so simple to make, it took me less than 10 minutes to prepare.  Once I mixed the tofu I added the additional ingrediants and ate it between two slices of whole wheat bread.  I had some celery as well.  I really liked the meal and it cost me less than $10 because all I had to buy was the tofu, which I had just recently tried thanks to our Meatless Mondays. 
            Since I already bought tofu earlier I figured I might as well try the other recipe Sowmya recommended in the email for dinner.  I already had all the ingredients except the avocado so I decided to go without it.  This was another easy meal to prepare and didn't take longer than 15-20 minutes to prepare.  I enjoyed this recipe as well and am very surprised still, about how much I actually like tofu when I was always afraid to try it because of the texture. 
            Going meatless on Mondays has been a great experience and I feel that I have learned something useful or new every week.  I used to be so opposed to not eating meat and always thought I "needed" it to feel full or complete the meal but my mind has been changed about this.  It has not impacted my other days of the week or anything in a negative way.  If anything, it has positively impacted me because now sometimes I reach for meat alternatives instead of meat, which I never have done before.  

1 comment:

  1. Hey Tim,
    I am sorry to inform you that it actually is not the last meatless Monday. Next Monday will be the last required meatless Monday but you can always continue meatless Monday on your own if you want. That is great that you were able to fit going to the store in to your schedule. I was not able to make it to the market this past weekend. It is a good thing you still had some food for breakfast. I really want to make smoothies but I have not gotten around to purchasing a blender. That is awesome that you were able to try Sowmya’s recipe for Eggless Egg Salad. It sounds delicious and simple to make. I will have to try to make it in the future. The second recipe that you made was also Sowmya’s but this recipe was for dinner. Having left over tofu really worked in your favor. I also was afraid of trying tofu but like you said, it actually is not that bad. Next week you should try another type of protein that you have not had before. This class has taught me to expand my diet and try new things. You should try quinoa if you have not already tried it. It is easy to make and is good with different vegetables. I hope you continue to have success with your meatless meals and I hope your last meatless Monday for this class is a success just like this week was.
    See you in class!
