Samantha Fields (3)

Breakfast: yogurt and a banana
Lunch: Salad with lettuce, tomato, cucumber, carrots, mozzarella cheese
Dinner: veggie burger with American cheese, brown rice, and butternut squash

            This weeks meatless Monday felt good to consciously eat healthy after spring break. I was pretty busy all day so I made my lunch the day before and grabbed my breakfast out of the fridge on the way to my internship. The veggie burger I had for dinner was premade from Trader Joes. It was called a California veggie burger with carrots, onions, soybeans, corn, spinach, string beans, and some other veggies in it. The brown rice and butternut squash my roommate actually made for dinner. She wasn’t trying to do meatless Monday since she ate chicken along with it. It just worked out that she wanted to cook her squash on a Monday. I’m not exactly sure how she made it, but she put cinnamon, and brown sugar on it. It was pretty good, just kind of sweet for dinner food.

            This Monday didn’t change how I ate the rest of the week considering I didn’t actually cook anything so I didn’t have left overs. I’m hoping next week to have time to try out a new recipe.   

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