Kareema Carley (1)

 What did you do?
This was the first week of meatless Monday. I am not sure I even did this right but I did try . For my first meal of the day I ate honey nut cheerios with milk. I’m not really sure if we can drink milk but that what I ate. For lunch I had a kale salad with sliced  pears just like we had in the cooking class, with just a little bit of almond and olive oil.  For dinner I had a eggplant parmesan hero that I got off snap chat food network, which was also doing meatless Monday. That was okay to eat but I’m not a big eggplant fan.
2.      Which meal was most affected?
The kale salad was most affected.
3.      How did going meatless on Monday impact other days of the week?
Meatless Monday impacted my other days because after that I really want chicken with every meal.
4.      What were your observations?
My observations of meatless Monday are that this is not as easy as I assumed it would be. Temptation is behind every door and it hard to just go cold turkey. Also I really do not like other sources of protein so that is really hard for me.
5.      Did you spend more or less money?
This week I didn’t spend more money because I planned for this day.

6.      How did going meatless on Monday affect others around you?
I don’t think anyone around me knew I was doing meatless Monday so it did not affect them at all.
7.      What resources did you use?
I used the app yummly to plan my meals.
8.      Did other thoughts or ideas surface as a result of the experience?

The only thought that came to my head is that it’s hard not eating meat. I have never really thought about it before but it real hard work and with picky eaters like me it was taking me forever to pick a meal. I don’t think I can do this every day.

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