Karen Kummer (1)

My first Meatless Monday was successful, meaning I did not eat any meat.  For breakfast I had Cheerios with almond milk.  I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on white bread for lunch.  For dinner I ate meatless wholegrain pasta with beans on the side.  I had pretzels, nachos, and tea for snacks.  The nachos had tomatoes and onions on them.  I mainly drank cranberry apple juice and water.
Lunch was the most affected meal because I usually have a ham or turkey and cheese sandwich for lunch.  My family had pasta with meat for dinner, so my mom made me a separate dish without meat.  I’m Catholic and don’t eat meat on Fridays, so it wasn’t super difficult to abstain from meat on Monday.  I ate the food I had at home so I did not spend any money on the food.  Going meatless only affected my mom because the rest of my family didn’t know that I was going meatless.
Next week, I plan to make falafel if I have enough time.  I’ve never made falafel so it’s going to be an interesting experience.  For anyone who doesn’t know, falafel is a Mediterranean dish made of ground chickpeas.  It tastes really good and you can get it at Rachel’s in the Commons on North Campus if you would like to try it.  There are a lot of recipes for this online.

            Overall, I thought Meatless Monday went alright.  I basically ate what I usually eat but took the meat out.  My meals seemed to fill me up.  I didn’t make a huge effort to eat healthier because I didn’t have time to prepare, but next week I plan to better prepare and make my meals healthier and more nutritious.


  1. Hi Karen!
    Sounds like you had a variety of meat free foods to keep you full all day! I like the idea of the nachos! I love tomatoes.. basically eat them like apples. I am catholic too.. so cutting out meat for two days was really hard for me! Coming from an italian family my mom is always cooking meat in the sauce.. which makes it really hard to eat! I like how your already planning next weeks meal! The falafel sounds amazing, be sure to share how you made it and a picture!

  2. Hey Karen,
    Seems like your Meatless Monday was a huge success! I can defiantly agree with you and say lunch was one of my hardest meals, I'm either eating a sandwich or a salad. Your mom is awesome, the fact that she catered to what you had to eat was great, and she made it easier for you to stick to being meatless. Sometimes I wish my mom was close by to cook for me as well. It is a really good idea to prep and think about what you are going to eat before Monday comes just so you’re not pondering about what you’ll eat, as well having complete meals. I am really looking forward to our 2nd meatless Monday, the falafel sounds great! I love chick peas. Please do share the recipe.

