Alice Lam (5)

For breakfast, I ate cheerios, yogurt and banana. Usually, I would order from Tim Horton or prepare something from last night but fortunately for this Monday I woke up early and had time to eat.  I wanted to eat something light for lunch, so I ordered congee from Dancing Chopsticks.  I ate this last meatless Monday as well but this week I didn’t make it. Congee is basically porridge made from rice. Lastly, I made rice with eggs and tofu. It was very easy and time consuming dish I could make. I used the rice cooker to make the rice and when it was almost done I just cracked an egg and tofu in there to steam. I wish I had time to prepare a vegetarian dish in the kitchen but I had a bunch of exams today.

Since I had left over from lunch and dinner, I was able to eat it today, which helped a lot because I really did not have time to cook anything today. I also spent around the same amount of money that I usually would for meatless Monday. However, if I did cook in the kitchen I would be spending a bit more then I would usually do.  Usually my roommate would partake in at least on meal of meatless Monday with me but she too was so busy. Overall, this meatless Monday was average for me. I was wished I had more time and wasn’t as busy to cook.

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