Sandna Kaur (4)

This week’s  “meatless Monday”, I had planned my meals on Monday a day before. For breakfast, I had oatmeal with blueberries, orange juice, and grapes. For lunch, I had packed a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, key lime Greek yogurt, orange, and granola bar. I think the meal that was most affected this Monday was breakfast because my family had scrambled eggs with a side of turkey bacon. I had to decline that breakfast meal and decided to make myself an alternative breakfast. The fact that I knew the day before what my mother was planning on cooking for dinner on Monday allowed me to focus on planning my other meals for the day. I was happy when my mother prepared a vegetarian dish that evening. I enjoyed an salad, rice, and an Indian cuisine that contained carrots, potatoes, and peas.

            Since I had eaten meatless on Monday, I noticed I tried to eat at least one meatless meal the following day because I started considering other meatless option before the meat one for a meal.  My observation for this “meatless Monday” was that though it might be tough to continue a day without eating meat, especially when a lot of the food that is served on campus contains meat, it is still possible for many people to eat meatless for one meal a day at least if not a full day per week. Also, I believe by surrounding myself with supportive people, had helped me continue to be successful on this Meatless Monday campaign and I look forward to next week for this challenge.


  1. Hello Sandna

    That was great that you planned your meal ahead. I find that planning your meal ahead lets you prep in advance, motivates you toward your goals, and makes it easier to follow through. That was great that you knew a day before what your mother was planning to cook for dinner. You were able to tell your mom to prepare a vegetarian dish or even prepare your dish first before she put any meat in. I love eating oatmeal with blueberries. I also like eating oatmeal with cinnamon and strawberry. You should try it, I think you will like it. I also agree with how meatless Monday affecting the following day. Since I remember that I just had a meatless meal on Monday, I would try to eat meatless on Tuesday. Most of campus foods do contain a lot of meat in it but they do have vegetarian meal, just not as much. Its also great that you have a group of supportive people, to help you through meatless Monday. Sometimes what we eat are influence by the people around us. So its great to have supportive and positive people around you. Good luck on next week meatless Monday. The food looks great!

  2. Hey Sandna,
    Let me start with your meal look delicious, you have so much will power to reject your mama’s home cooking for a meatless option. I must admit if I was close to home it would be very difficult to choose an alternative option than my mother’s cooking. I find that it is very beneficial when you plan your meals ahead especially when you have a full schedule during that day. Being a part of meatless Monday has opened up my eyes to alternative meals that are just as delicious as meat options. I can also agree with you that there are very limited meatless options on campus which makes it difficult for you to eat here. It would be beneficial for you to pack your meals and bring them to campus with you. I would like my family to join me on this journey, so it was great that your family could contribute to a meatless dinner. It is an amazing feeling when you’re participating in a cause and you have people joining you as well as supporting the movement. Thank you for sharing this meatless Monday with us.

    Leeah Williams
